Nameshi / steamed rice mixed with leafy greens

A simple mixed rice with blanched leafy greens.


Steamed rice for two (1 180 cc cup of rice; not in photo)
Small handful leafy greens (50 g kabu Japanese turnip leaves in photo)
1/2 tsp salt


Bring water to boil, add pinch salt, and blanch leafy greens, putting stem ends in water first.

When leaf color brightens, immediately remove from boiling water and transfer to ice water to cool. 


Squeeze out extra water, and cut in half (or the width of your palm– makes it easier to squeeze out more water in following step).

Squeeze again, and finely chop. 

Transfer to a bowl, add salt, and mix well.


Mix in steamed rice.

Ready to serve.

  • Try this with mildly spicy leafy greens in season; other good choices are daikon radish leaves, mizuna, mibuna or nozawana mustard greens, nanohana field mustard, seri water dropwort, and shungiku garland chrysanthemum.
  • The salt content of this rice also makes it a good choice for onigiri rice balls.
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