Koyadofu to saishin no nibitashi / freeze-dried tofu and yu choy sum simmered in broth

Koyadofu makes everyday vegetable side dishes a bit more filling by offering chewiness while releasing a flavorful broth in your mouth. Sakura ebi adds a toasty note and vibrant color.

120 calories (1/2 of recipe); 11.1 g protein; 5.5 g fat; 5.0 g carbohydrate; 4.2 g net carbs; 234 mg sodium (with 50% reduced-sodium soy sauce; 334 mg with regular soy sauce); 11 mg cholesterol; 1.8 g fiber


2 koyadofu freeze-dried tofu
Handful saishin yu choy sum (92 g in photo)
1 tbsp sakura ebi dried shrimp

For broth
200 cc dashi
1 tsp sake
1 tsp mirin
1 tsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp shiokoji salted rice malt


Soak koyadofu in warm water (50 C/120 F or higher) for 10+ minutes to rehydrate.


Cut yu choy sum into 3-4 cm.


When koyadofu is fully rehydrated (soft), squeeze while keeping it immersed, changing the water until it becomes clear (koyadofu releases an opaque substance that makes the water murky when squeezed the first few times).

Squeeze one last time, and cut into small pieces. 


In a pot, put all ingredients for broth (except shiokoji) and bring to boil.


Put koyadofu and sakura ebi, cover, and simmer on medium low heat for 6-7 minutes.


Add yu choy sum, cover, and simmer for 1 minute.
Remove cover, immerse yu choy sum (especially stem parts) in broth, and cook another 1 minute.


Put solid ingredients in bowls.
Add shiokoji to remaining broth, and heat through.
Pour broth over goodies. 

  • When squeezing rehydrated koyadofu, watch out for the warm/hot water it has absorbed. Koyadofu's surface may be cool enough, but it might hold relatively hot water inside. First adding cold water to the soaking bowl or squeezing under running water may be a good idea.
  • If yu choy sum is not available, any leafy greens, especially mild-tasting ones, work fine. If only strong-tasting or tough greens (kale, etc.) are available, sauteing them first with canola or sesame oil helps.
  • Nibitashi is a general term for a vegetable side dish simmered in broth. The "ni" in nibitashi is from niru [simmer] and "bitashi" is from hitasu [soak].
  • When preparing in advance, reduce the amount of seasonings, especially salty ones, as the flavor goes into ingredients during the cooling (and reheating) process.
  • Shiokoji is added at the very end to provide the effect of more clearly enhancing the saltiness of broth, while at the same time solid ingredients do not have time to fully absorb shiokoji's sodium.
  • If shiokoji is not at hand, use a tiny pinch of salt.
  • The above sodium calculations are rough intake figures and do not include sodium content of broth left in bowl. 

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