Dark Chocolate Hemp Seeds by HimalaniaMakes A Great Topping For Fruit Or Ice Cream

Hemp seeds and chocolate are a great combination!

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Healthy, Yummy Treat
When I saw this new product in the store, I scooped it off of the shelf as quickly as I could and couldn't wait to try it. You know I'm a big hemp seed fan - to date I've got over a dozen posts on them. And who doesn't love dark chocolate?

Hemp seeds are one of the best sources of highly digestible protein. And they contain all of the essential amino acids making them a "complete" protein. 

Hemp seeds also contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acid with the perfect balance of omega-6. These fatty acids are important for the nervous system to function, for brain development, healthy skin, and a healthy heart and immune system. They also contain Stearidonic Acid (SDA) and Gamma LInolenic Acid (GLA), both of which help you utilize your omega essential fatty acids.

The best news is that American farmers are once again allowed to grow hemp thanks to a provision in the 2014 farmed bill. Because hemp is in the cannabis family (but has almost no THC and cannot make your high), the U.S drug laws prohibited the growing of hemp in the U.S. But everyone has finally come to their senses and now our farmers can tap into this very lucrative market. Canada's hemp production is bringing in almost a billion dollars a year! 

Although they look like papaya seeds, these papaya cubes
are covered with dark chocolate hemp seeds!

Himalania Dark Chocolate Covered Hemp Seeds
Two tablespoons of these chocolate covered hemp seeds provide:
160 calories 
9 g total fat
500 mg omega-3 fatty acid
1,500 mg omega-6 fatty acid
3 g high quality protein
3 g dietary fiber
17 g carbohydrates
0 mg sodium
Rich in iron, magnesium and copper

I love these over fruit or non-dairy ice cream. You can also sprinkle them on yogurt or bake them into muffins.

Chocolate covered hemp seeds over bananas and raspberries

Where to Buy
I found these at my local Whole Foods Market. But, as most everything else, you can buy them online at Amazon. If your local health food store doesn't have them, ask them to get them. They are delicious and healthy and I highly recommend them! 

They state that they are not dairy free (so they are NOT VEGAN) but I'm lactose intolerant and have had no issues with them since I only sprinkle a teaspoon or so on my fruit.


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