Konnyaku to takenoko no tosani / simmered konnyaku yam cake and bamboo shoot with bonito flakes

Tosani -- a simmered dish finished with bonito flakes -- is a common choice for fresh bamboo shoots, and it also is a great way to create a rich, strong-flavored dish without using lots of soy sauce. Soft and chewy konnyaku is added below for contrasting texture and a fiber boost.

54 calories (1/2 of recipe); 3.6 g protein; 1.2 g fat; 6.5 g carbohydrate; 3.6 g net carbs; 183 mg sodium (with 50% reduced-sodium soy sauce; 339 mg with regular soy sauce); 3 mg cholesterol; 2.9 g fiber


1/2 konnyaku yam cake (130 g in photo)
1 small takenoko no mizuni prep-boiled bamboo shoot (120 g in photo)
1/2 tsp oil (not in photo)

For broth
100 cc dashi
1 tbsp sake and mirin (equal parts)
1/4 tsp rice vinegar
2 tsp soy sauce

Small handful katsuobushi bonito flakes (3g in photo)


With a spoon, cut konnyaku into small pieces (around 2 cm thick).
Place in water, and boil for 1-2 minutes.


Meanwhile, slice harder section toward the bottom of takenoko into rounds 5mm thick, then cut into fan shape (quarter rounds).

Halve upper, softer section lengthwise, then cut each half lengthwise into 6 (or 8, depending on size of takenoko).


Heat pot, and saute konnyaku on medium high heat without oil until surface becomes dry.
Add oil, and continue sauteing.


When konnyaku is coated with oil, add takenoko, and saute for a few minutes.


Add dashi, sake, mirin, rice vinegar, and soy sauce, and place otoshibuta drop cover directly on top; reduce heat somewhat, and simmer until broth is reduced to 1/3.

Flip konnyaku and takenoko at least once while simmering.
If time allows, when broth is reduced to 1/3 (photo at left), remove from heat, cover and cool (optional, but highly recommended).


In the meantime, toast katsuobushi bonito flakes in frying pan at low to medium low heat until crispy.
Remove from heat, and set aside.


When ready to finish preparation, bring pot back to heat, remove cover, and simmer until broth is almost gone, while flipping konnyaku and takenoko often.

Add katsuobushi while crushing with hands.
Mix well.
Ready to serve. 

  • Instead of large hanakatsuo bonito flakes above, small pieces of katsuobushi (often available in small packs) are good enough.
  • Konnyaku can be torn by hand. Make sure each piece is not more than 2 cm thick, as larger pieces would taste weak in the final dish due to the small amount of seasoning.
  • Sauteing konnyaku without oil first is also to ensure extra water content is removed, so that flavoring is sufficient at the end.
  • Tosa is the name of a region in Kochi Prefecture that is famous for pole-and-line fishing of katsuo bonito.

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