Moyashi to satsumaage no itamemono / stir-fried bean sprouts and deep-fried fishcake

A light and satisfying stir-fry featuring crispy bean sprouts. Satsumaage fishcake adds a nice flavor and contrasting texture as do shiitake mushrooms, while nira garlic chives chime in with their punchy taste as egg mellows it down ... The recipe below features soybean sprouts, but mung bean sprouts work great, too. See notes for some tips when using mung bean sprouts.

120 calories (1/2 of recipe); 9.5 g protein; 6.3 g fat; 6.7 g carbohydrate; 4.2 g net carbs; 152 mg sodium; 113 mg cholesterol; 2.5 g fiber


Large handful daizu moyashi soybean sprouts (cleaned; 170 g in photo)
1 satsumaage deep-fried fishcake (desalinated; 38 g in photo)
3 shiitake mushrooms (26 g in photo)
Small handful nira garlic chives (20 g in photo)
1 egg
1 tsp shiokoji salted rice malt
Black pepper, to taste
2-3 g (approx. 1 1/2-2 tbsp) katsuobushi bonito flakes
1 tsp oil

Remove skinny roots and discolored, translucent (soft) parts of moyashi, if you haven't already done so.
Desalinate satsumaage by soaking in boiling water for 10+ minutes.


Cut off stems of shiitake, remove discolored ends, and tear lengthwise into several pieces. Slice umbrella part approximately 3-4mm thick.
Cut nira into 3-4 cm.
Slice satsumaage into 4-5 mm thick pieces.
Lightly beat egg.


In a frying pan, heat oil, and fry moyashi bean sprouts on medium high heat.


When moyashi starts to look slightly translucent (and is still too crispy to bend without breaking), move to one side of frying pan.
Reduce heat to medium to medium low, add shiitake and satsumaage in the open space, and fry, stirring often, as shiitake tends to stick to the pan at the beginning.


When shiitake starts to cook (looking moist/translucent), mix shiitake and satsumaage with moyashi.
Add shiokoji, and stir,
Add black pepper, and stir.
 Add nira, and stir.


Swirl in egg.
Wait for 30 seconds or so until the bottom of egg starts to cook, then roughly mix with spatula.


Serve, and top with katsuobushi.

  • Desalination can eliminate approximately 85% of the sodium in satsumaage. Above, this means that sodium content of 214 mg/piece falls to 32mg, in a simple calculation.
  • Katsuobushi can be mixed with other ingredients in the frying pan, instead of used as a topping.
  • If using mung bean sprouts, first fry shiitake and satsumaage, then add them. Mung bean sprouts cook much faster than soybean sprouts, and cooking mung bean sprouts for a long time leaves them lifeless and soggy.
  • This is a good dish to finish up any leftover beaten egg (1/2-2/3 egg is enough) from other dishes/baking.
  • If fresh shiitake is not at hand, dried shiitake (rehydrated) can be used; eringi king oyster, hiratake oyster, shimeji, maitake and chanterelle mushrooms also work great. None of them available? Then simply forget about the mushrooms.
  • If nira is not available, green onions, chives, or any leafy greens with a distinctive character (radish greens, mustard greens, arugula, cress, etc.) can fill the bill. Nira is not essential but does add color and another layer of taste, aroma and texture to the dish.
  • The taste after adding shiokoji & black pepper should not be fully satisfying in terms of saltiness. Katsuobushi added at the end will provide an additional salty note (without adding much sodium) and complete the flavoring.

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