Kaki to shungiku no shiraae / persimmon and garland chrysanthemum in tofu dressing

A dish for autumn -- juicy, sweet and astringent persimmon paired with garland chrysanthemum, a cold season green with a distinctive taste and aroma. Mild, creamy tofu dressing softens the overall tone, binding the two different characters together. Try this with persimmon that is still crisp -- the contrasting textures add an intriguing twist to this little dish.  

1/3 of recipe:
48 calories; 1.8 g protein; 1.8 g fat; 6.9 g carbohydrate; 8.1 g net carbs; 53 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol; 1.2 g fiber 

1/2 of recipe:
72 calories; 2.8 g protein; 2.7 g fat; 10.4 g carbohydrate; 5.8 g net carbs; 79 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol; 1.8 g fiber

(Serves 2-3)
1 persimmon (155 g in photo)
Small handful shungiku garland chrysanthemum (38 g in photo)

For shiraae tofu dressing
50-60 g kinugoshi soft tofu (60 g in photo)
2 tsp toasted white sesame seeds
1/2 tsp usukuchi shoyukoji soy sauce malt (or regular shoyukoji or soy sauce of your choice; see Notes)
1 tsp dashi


Remove shungiku leaves from stems.
Cut leaves into 3-4 cm, and diagonally cut stems.


Bring water to boil, put shungiku stems, then leaves.

When leaf color brightens, immediately transfer to ice water. 
Once cool, drain, and squeeze out excess water.


Meanwhile, grind sesame seeds in suribachi mortar.
Add tofu, and mash and mix well.

Add dashi and shoyukoji, and mix well. 
Tofu dressing is ready.


Peel and cut or slice persimmon into desired shape.


Add persimmon to tofu dressing, and gently mix.
Squeeze out excess water from shungiku once again, add to tofu dressing + persimmon, and gently mix.
Ready to serve. 

  • I use usukuchi shoyukoji mainly to reduce sodium compared to usukuchi soy sauce itself and also because the color is paler than regular soy sauce. If not available, any soy sauce or miso paste works fine.
  • Tofu dressing for shiraae can be salty or sweet. Mine is softly salty and only slightly sweet. Add a tiny amount of mirin if a sweeter taste is preferred.
  • Momen firm tofu also works. It results in a more substantial texture and taste.
    hen soaking blanched leafy greens in cold water, drain and squeeze out excess water once leaves are cool. Keeping them in water would make them soggy and taste bland. 

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